Cosmetic Dentistry in Bath

The Truth Behind the Celebrity Smile

When considering cosmetic dentistry in Bath, it pays to be prepared

As recently as a decade ago, cosmetic dentistry, like other elective cosmetic procedures, was the preserve of the wealthy. Today, such practices are presented almost as a basic human right rather than a lifestyle choice, with businesses promising miraculous results filling almost every Sunday supplement, tempting everyday folk with money to spare to ‘upgrade’ their look. If you are considering cosmetic dentistry in Bath consult a professional Bath dentist practice like The Talbot Clinic.

Bath Cosmetic Dentistry With Care & Consideration

However, like any elective procedure, cosmetic dentistry should be approached with care and consideration, particularly as the desired results may require invasive, destructive or irreversible procedures.

It is not uncommon for the poorly informed patient, grasping a handful of pictures from glossy magazines, to create a ‘perfect vision’ of what may be achievable, without fully understanding the limitations and implications of cosmetic dentistry. Once a patient chooses to go through with a cosmetic dental procedure in Bath, their expectations are understandably high and tolerance for failure considerably diminished if desires are not met.


Using convincing photos and advertising copy, cosmetic dental practitioners may create artificially high patient expectations.

In truth, cosmetic dental practice is part of every restorative dentist’s portfolio, with its roots in the traditional disease management role of dentistry, and there are many practitioners who avoid hype in favour of a culture of honesty, transparency and trust, creating a practical environment in which to carry out procedures. This is the approach our specialists take to cosmetic dentistry in Bath at The Talbot Clinic.